Sustaining Membership Benefits

Discover the Many Benefits of NTSA Sustaining Membership

Sustaining Corporate Members maximize their dues by utilizing their additional benefits to gain wider exposure at I/ITSEC and within the M&S Community. Only Sustaining Members have the opportunity to exercise a leadership role with a seat on the NTSA Executive Committee. Sustaining Members have greater networking opportunities, including an invitation to the M&S Awards Dinner. Sustaining Members also enjoy double the savings on booth space and broader brand exposure at I/ITSEC.

Sustaining Membership Benefits

Exclusively at I/ITSEC
 Other Membership Benefits
  • First choice of booth space before the general public, including the ability to choose a prime showroom floor location
  • 10% discount on booth space; up to $5,000 in value
  • Invitation to attend the M&S Awards Dinner with the chance to network with VIPs and military personnel
  • Opportunity to attend the EXCOM Lunch
  • Morning and afternoon access for two to the Executive Dining Area, the informal meeting space with coffee service and water; lunch for two in the Executive Dining Area
  • Booth highlighted in I/ITSEC Pocket Guide
  • Company logo in I/ITSEC Exhibits Guide
  • Additional recognition as a Sustaining Member on booth signage, badge ribbons, and other I/ITSEC publications

  • Listing in the online Mega Directory, which connects suppliers to customers in industry and DoD
  • Seat on the NTSA Executive Committee
  • Invitation to attend the EXCOM Dinner at TSIS in June
  • Reduced registration fees for all linked employees for NTSA & NDIA events
  • Hyperlinked listing as an NTSA Sustaining Corporate Member on the NTSA website
  • Opportunity to participate in various NTSA and I/ITSEC initiatives
  • Subscriptions to National Defense, NDIA’s award-winning magazine, for all linked employees
  • Subscriptions to “Training Industry News,” NTSA’s monthly e-newsletter, for all linked employees