Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission is Now Open!

MODSIM will bring together Modeling & Simulation (M&S) leaders dedicated to forging the future by bridging gaps in technology, innovation, and collaboration. This dynamic, multi-disciplinary, and international conference will feature three core presentation tracks: Industry, Defense, and Training & Education. Each track will spotlight cutting-edge advancements and approaches in areas such as Engineering, Medical Simulation, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Extended Reality, Gamification, and Visualizations.

In a rapidly evolving world, our military, first responders, government agencies, and global leaders must be ready to adapt to new challenges, seize opportunities, and navigate complex geopolitical landscapes. This requires foresight, innovation, and the ability to bridge the gaps that stand between today’s capabilities and tomorrow’s needs. MODSIM World 2025, with its theme Forging the Future: Bridging the Gaps through Modeling and Simulation, emphasizes the crucial role that the M&S community plays in creating the future. Together, we can bridge the gaps, harness the power of technology, and shape a future that thrives in complex environments and under any circumstances. Join us to connect face-to-face with global innovators and experts across paper presentations, panels, exhibits, and networking events to discover more about forging the future of M&S.

INDUSTRY: The advancement of M&S within industry applications improves processes, outcomes, facilities, and equipment for the future of manufacturing, engineering, and infrastructure development. This track seeks papers focused on innovative M&S approaches and solutions which are rapidly moving the industry forward.

DEFENSE: M&S is critical to accelerate our national and international defense and security. To maintain a competitive edge, M&S facilitates rapid assessment and implementation of security protocols, practices, and procedures. This track seeks papers focused on expanding technologies and approaches in M&S to advance all levels of security.

TRAINING & EDUCATION: From health sciences and academics to social and environmental innovations, M&S is helping to transform all aspects of our current and future educational communities. This track seeks papers that discuss the application of pioneering concepts, methods, and technologies to enhance the application of M&S for the benefit of the greater community.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts of up to 250 words in length must be submitted by 31 March. Please include the following information in your abstract submission:

  1. Title of the paper
  2. Author names and author affiliations
  3. Short statement on the main point(s)
  4. Methodological approach
  5. Key conclusions or anticipated conclusions
  6. Projected track for submission (Defense, Industry, Training & Education)

Presentations focused heavily on sales pitches will not be accepted in order to improve the quality of the program for all participants.

To submit an abstract, please follow the submission instructions available at

Call for Abstracts Flyer
  Submit Abstract

Contact Us

Angelica Jasper, Ph.D.
  Conner Parsey
Program Chair
  Deputy Program Chair