Attendee Information

Event Venue

STCF 2025 will be held at the Dayton Convention Center, in downtown Dayton, OH.

Dayton Convention Center
22 E Fifth Street, Dayton, OH 45402

The General Session will be held in the Gem City Ballroom located on Floor 1.  Breakfast. networking breaks and the reception will be held in the Jr Ballroom. The main entry to the Convention Center is on Fifth Street.  

DCC Floor Plan


Parking is available in the adjacent city parking garage. The covered skywalk is located on level 1 of the garage and will bring you to the 3rd floor at the Convention Center. You can take the escalator or elevator to floor 1. Parking fees are $10 per entry and payment is debit or credit card only (no cash). 

Public Parking Garage
116 E Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402 

Lunch Option
For those attendees in which lunch is not included in your registration, here is a flyer with area places to eat lunch.

Industry:  Business Casual
Active Duty Military: Uniform of the Day

Forum Presentations
The speaker presentations will be posted to the website prior to the forum.