Speaker Presentations
Keynote Address
Jane Pinelis, Ph.D., Chief AI Engineer, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
AI and Legislation What Should be Regulated
Bharat Patel, Product Lead, Project Linchpin, PEO IEW&S
Best Practices in AI within MS&T Examples for Consideration
Bob Sottilare, Ph.D. Vice President, Soar Technology, LLC
Jaimie Weber, M.D. Associate Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Tampa General Hospital; Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine
Shawn Weil, Ph.D. Principal Cognitive Scientist and Chief Growth Officer, Aptima, Inc
Kevin Yee, Ph.D. Special Assistant to the Provost for Artificial Intelligence and Director, Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning, University of Central Florida
State of AI in the MS&T Industry
Bob Kleinhample, CMSP, President, PioneerSim