Tech Grove Connect – Serious Games for Serious Stroke Rehabilitation

Tech Grove Connect NTSA Webinar Graphic
  • 5/11/2023 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
  • Event Type : Webinar
    Event Code : 31B0


Watch the recording from this month's webinar!

Stroke rehabilitation presents a number of challenges for both the patient and the therapist. The use of serious games is not a new approach but there are still gaps in being able to teach a patent correct movement patterns. Join us to hear how this team from the Federal University of Uberlandia in Brazil developed a new approach to serious game design for stroke rehabilitation for better analysis of movements and measurement against protocols. This approach has implications for other areas of medical rehabilitation as well as human performance analysis.

Meet the Speakers

  • Dr. Edgard Lamounier holds a Ph.D. in Computing Engineering from the University of Leeds, England, in 1996. He is currently a Full Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UFU and has experience mainly in the field of Engineering and Computer Science supported by eXtended Reality applications.
  • Dr. Alcimar Soares holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, in 1997. His research interests include neural system dynamics, brain-machine interfaces, rehabilitation, and assistive devices.


Reneé Despot - Event Logistics
(703) 247-9490

Carol Dwyer
(703) 247-9471

Tech Grove Connect May Webinar