iFEST 2020 Online Conference Working Out What Works: Creating Value from Innovation

8/17/2020 - 8/19/2020
Event Type : Webinar
Event Code : 01D0
NTSA and the ADL Initiative successfully held the first iFEST online conference where attendees were able to view the most cutting-edge presentations and influential speakers. iFEST 2020 provided a unique opportunity for military, government, industry, and academia professionals to share the latest in distributed learning innovations.
The iFEST conference is an annual milestone for tracking the development of science, technologies, and policies for distributed learning. In 2020, amid a pandemic-driven global expansion of online collaboration, iFEST became an affirmation of the new distributed learning reality.
This year’s iFEST theme was “Working Out What Works: Creating Value From Innovation.” iFEST speakers told attendees to seize opportunities in the new distributed learning reality to modernize learning systems and create a “new normal.” Here are some of the key takeaways from iFEST 2020.
Were you unable to attend iFEST? Don’t worry! We have you covered.
Through December 31, 2020, you can gain access to ALL of the iFEST presentations for just $150 for industry and academia; access is complimentary for government and military. After registering, you will be able to watch each presentation on demand in your own time. See our conference agenda here for a full list of presentations and descriptions.
Special Offer for Small Business! Virtual Heroes is sponsoring small businesses that want to register for the iFEST presentations. Virtual Heroes will pay for one registration per company. Please contact Carol Dwyer at cdwyer@ndia.org for more information or to take advantage of this offer. Thank you to Virtual Heroes for their support of iFEST and small businesses!
By exploring the iFEST presentations from the comfort of your own home or office, you are sure to stay connected throughout the year. See our Registration page for more information and to register for access.
Already Attended iFEST? As an iFEST attendee, you can now access all of the on-demand and recorded presentations by simply logging back into iFEST2020.com and selecting the “Presentations” tab at the top of the navigation bar.
Who is ADL? The ADL Initiative bridges across Defense and other Federal agencies to encourage collaboration, facilitate interoperability, and promote best practices for using distributed learning to provide the highest-quality education, training, informal learning, and just-in-time support; tailored to individual needs and delivered cost-effectively, anytime and anywhere, to increase readiness, save resources, and facilitate interorganizational collaboration.
Details on the agenda, registration, and exhibit and sponsorship opportunities can be found throughout the website. Be sure to watch TrainingSystems.org/iFEST for continued updates on the agenda and planning.
Reneé Despot - Event Logistics(703) 247-9490
Carol Dwyer
(703) 247-9471