M&S Leadership Summit

Lexington Hotel & Conference Center Jacksonville Riverwalk
1515 Prudential Dr.
Jacksonville,  FL  32207
United States
Tel: (904) 396-5100
Event Type : Conference
Event Code : 01C0
M&S Leadership Summit Recap
The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) conducted the thirteenth Annual Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Leadership Summit on February 24, 2020 in Jacksonville, Florida. RADM Jim Robb, USN (Ret.), President, NTSA, provided opening comments and greeted the meeting participants and attendees. The spirit of the 2020 M&S Leadership Summit resonated throughout the distinguished keynote and panel presentations focused on establishing an actionable agenda for Capitol Hill on the theme, “Zero Harm and Patient Outcomes: Leveraging Modeling and Simulation for Process Improvement and Organizational Change.”
The first keynote in the morning, following the Congressional Remarks, was by Dr. Mary Patterson. The Lou Oberndorf Professor in Healthcare Technology at the University, Dr. Patterson established the call to action to address the critical statistics highlighting the national need to raise awareness of the rate of preventable medical errors and the opportunity for modeling and simulation to play a critical role in eliminating these errors. She was followed by a distinguished panel of key public and private healthcare researchers and practitioners from across the country who describe best practices to result in organizational change that promotes patient safety. A second keynote in the afternoon by Dr. Aaron Calhoun, Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Louisville, described several best practices which resulted in data to support significance performance improvement and increases in patient safety due to measurable outcomes using modeling and simulation technologies. The second panel of experts from Government agencies, hospital systems, universities and industry, described scalable efforts that achieve competency-based outcomes in healthcare which can serve as a model for others around the country. All of these presentations served as the basis for working group discussions to establish the year’s recommended priorities and an action plan. These working groups focused on:
- What of the Top10 Patient Safety Issues can be solved by simulation and/or by policy changes?
- What are the top three blockers for adoption/standardization of simulation in mainstream healthcare?
- What are next steps to achieve collaboration among all healthcare stakeholders to reduce harm and increase patient safety?
The Modeling & Simulation Leadership Summit is an event sponsored by the National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) in support of the Modeling and Simulation Congressional Caucus. The purpose of the event is to bring the M&S Community of Practice together to discuss important issues related to Modeling and Simulation, and to try to reach consensus on one or two specific, actionable initiatives for the Congressional M&S Caucus to take for action.
The 2020 M&S Leadership Summit will highlight the exciting initiatives in Patient Safety and Healthcare in Modeling & Simulation. Members of the Congressional Modeling & Simulation Caucus will be in attendance, along with other Congressional staffers. Keynotes and panels will feature visionaries in patient safety initiatives in healthcare, along with scalable best practices . This event should not be missed!
Co-located with the M&S Leadership Summit, the 2nd Annual Amazing Grace Defense Symposium will be held on February 25 & 26, 2020 at the Lexington Hotel and Conference Center.